So i was at partying at Butter Factory last week and there was this hugeeeeee eye-catching machine right beside the Butter Factory's entry queue and i couldn't help but checked it out..

Lol, kaypoh girl can't wait to try the flashy new toy thus the cheeky expression.

So there were pretty babes and hunks there to get people to try out the Last Man Standing machine, Nicole explained basically you just have to breathe into the breathalyzer and if you're the Last Man Standing, you're in the running to win a trip to Bali for 4! So get ALL your friends to go try it out to have a higher chance in hitting the jackpot woots!
So what does LAST MAN STANDING, TICKLED PICKLED, DITZY BABBLER, GIDDY GUZZLER, DRUNKENSTEINED mean? Basically Last Man Standing = a sober person. Hahaha as you go down the list it means you've taken some alcohol.. or too much!

This is where you’ve had one drink or less. Those who attain this stage, wins a instant dip in the bowl to win some cool prizes like vouchers etc, and only if you're in the Last Man Standing category you'll get to win the Bali trip for 4!
They’re close to being Last Man Standing but not close enough. They’re a bit high, happy and laughing is second nature. Sadly, no prizes for being second best.
You’re a few drinks past sober and 1 away from nonsensically jabbering the hell out of everyone. Becareful not to let loose any secrets!
You can’t walk in a straight line, can’t pronounce your name properly and are about to do a Merlion.
Sprawling on the floor on fours, concussed!

Muahaha ok so it's finally my turn at the Last Man Standing machine after a little queuing!

Yep they do change the tip where you breathe into, so don't worry about it being unhygienic or anything.

Hoho, i'm a Last Man Standing, haven't had any drinks for the night before partying heh!

Got to have a go in the instant lucky dip and i receive a $10 Playnation voucher, gonna pass it on to one of my guy friends haha

Oh and to explain why i was looking so kooky up there.. i tried on these beer googles, basically to stimulate the visual of a beer loaded person.. hahaha i could hardly do a proper high five not to mention walk straight in a line! Quite a weird experience really hahaha.

Bumped into Michelle outside Butter Factory. Got to know the pretty babe when we were working for an event at One degree fifteen a couple of years back!

Hehehe, got her and her mates to try out Last Man Standing too!

Hahaha, of course she got Last Man Standing too, we don't need alcohol to get high and party do we? :D

Lucky Dip! Hohoho

Yay! another awesome night of partying.
Ok so let me share with you one of my most humiliating moments which involved partying & drinking. So this was about 2 years ago, one day before the eve of CNY I was at DXO with my boyfriend and a bunch of friends partying, and i was drinking WAY over my limits.. worst thing was i didn't even remember drinking THAT much, i just remembered puking all over my boyfriend, on myself, and thank god he was there to take care of me because it was really the first time i totally blacked out, i was practically sprawling on my boyfriend lap, he was sitting at the curbside waiting for the valet to fetch the car. Totally unglam, in my mini skirt and everything.
I think i puked in his car too on the journey back, when we reached his carpark he set me sitting on the stairs while he tried to clean out his car, by the time he was back i was lying on the floor with a pool of puke beside me. -.- And he still snapped a photo and kept it till now k, think he's gonna use it to blackmail me one fine day lol!
So when i reached his place, cleaned up, but puked all over his bed and by then i was vomiting blood and the worst thing EVER! lol my period came and i was totally out of it and unaware of anything. So he panicked like HELL thinking wtf why is she vomiting blood and passing out blood too?! lol INTERNAL BLEEDING? he even called the ambulance and everything :x
So turned out it was alcohol poisoning and it was so upsetting cos i lost my voice and i was feeling so shitty i couldn't enjoy the family CNY reunion dinner the very next day. ):
Not only didn't i enjoy the partying experience since i was so busy puking and being so high that i'm "out of the zone", made my boyfriend worry for nothing and tire him out since he had to stay up the entire night to take care of me since i couldn't stop puking from the alcohol poisoning.. not to mention.. so paiseh for the mess i caused at his place. :x
So.. after that horrible experience I became much more aware of my alcohol limits. Stop means stop, no more means no more. So much more fun to enjoy the music and dance my face off instead of chugging down alcohol and puking my guts out. Nowadays i try to even avoid drinking at all when i club lol, since i feel more sleepy than high when i drink alcohol anyway. SELF HIGH! HAHAHAH

Yay! Still looking refreshed from a night of partying!

By the way, Last Man Standing will be at Clark Quay this weekend! It will be at different club location every weekend, so if you're partying at Clark Quay this New Year's weekend, be sure to go try it out, you might be the lucky winner to the Bali Trip for 4!
Have fun guys! :D
Loves, The Luckiest Chick.